Privacy Policy
1 Data controller
PRO Devices A/S
Gadeledsvej 27c
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Contact e-mail:
CVR-no. 36456388
2 Why and what personal information does PRO Devices A/S collects
”Personal data” is any kind of information about an identified or identifiable person (the registered). We collect only personal data for specific and factual purposes i.e. to fulfill our obligations in a collaboration, completion of sales and purchase orders, communication, compliance with contracts as well as statutory obligations or demands.
We register this kind of information:
Common information such as company name, the name of contact persons, addresses (primarily company addresses), e-mail, mobile number, other necessary contact information and possibly your company CVR number and payment details.
In connection with recruitment and staff administration we might also register special categories of information (sensitive private data) such as account number, family relations, information about crime history, health, etc.
We only register personal data that are given or shared with us by the registered, i.e. by e-mail, business card, curriculum, orally or in any other way.
If a company or collaborator exchange common data about an employee or other person in his/hers network to create a relevant connection to PRO Devices A/S, this data can also be registered.
We do not register personal data about you from third parties. However, we do register information via our cookies. Our cookie policy is also accessible from our website, please see
The data we collect via cookies is only to fulfill our legitimate interest in marketing.
In connection with market analysis we may collect information about sex, age, interests, opinions and knowledge of different subjects. Participation in the analyses is always voluntary.
3 Consent
In connection with collection of personal data you may be asked to give consent. You can at any time withdraw your consent. This will cause us to delete the data that have been registered about you.
Approval to disclosure of data that demands your consent can also be withdrawn at any time.
Finally, we will only use your e-mail for marketing purposes if we have received your express consent beforehand.
Your consent can be withdrawn by writing to
4 Use of personal data
We use collected personal data in connection with: the communication between clients and PRO Devices A/S, marketing and for safe delivery (export as well as import).
Your personal data, that are given in purpose of the above mentioned, can be exchanged internally in the company, but only if there are basis for it.
Your personal data will not be handed over to third parties unless you have supplied your express consent for it.
5 Insight in personal data etc.
Employees in PRO Devices A/S have a duty of confidentiality and may not unjustifiably pass on information which they have gained during their work in the company.
If you want access to the information that is registered about you, please contact
If wrong information is registered about you or you have objections to our handling of your personal data, please write to
You may at any time object to our use of your personal data. Please write
You can at any time withdraw your consent. (See section 3.0).
You have the option to complain about our handling of your personal data. You complaint must be sent to: Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5., 1300 København K, or More information on
6 Data portability
You can have information handed out about what personal data PRO Devices A/S is in possession of in relation to you and have it handed out as PDF and/or transfer it to other relevant party.
7 Deletion of personal data
Personal data is deleted or anonymized continuously as the purpose for which it was collected gradually is ended.
We save your personal data as long as we have an active commercial relation to you/your company. When our collaboration is ended we save your personal data as long as we are required to do so after the current legislation.
8 Update of personal data
We will continuously update the personal data that are in our possession and yearly go through our records in order to delete outdated data.
9 Storing of personal data
We protect your personal data and have both technical and organizational measures that protect your personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, loss, change as well as unauthorized passing or publication.
Furthermore, we ensure that unauthorized persons do not get access to your personal data among others by limiting access to only relevant employees.
10 Change of our privacy policy
In the case of essential changes to this privacy policy we will inform you by a visible announcement on our website.
Last revised 10. July 2019.