Efficiency in measuring inhibition zones
Efficient measurements with the PD-Technology software:
With PD-Technology the measurements will be carried out with higher accuracy, stability and faster, which leads to efficiency and increased quality.
With many analyses to be carried out every day, PD-Technology can both ensure high-quality standard and optimize cost per analysis, which will make a difference to the running costs of the laboratory.
PD-Technology ensures faster, more stable and accurate measurement of inhibition zones, allowing more time for difficult measurements.
PD-Technology provides a qualified estimate for zone size as well as antibiotic drug from the text on the disc. The user only needs to make a quick visual validation and, if necessary, easily adjust and finally approve the result.
The PD-Technology can enhance the contrast on the photo and thus make it easier to measure difficult zones.
The PD-Auto handles stacks of agar plates and the manual reading of the plates is replaced by the much more efficient PD-Auto.
User-Friendly Features and Benefits:
Faster readings will free up time for other daily work tasks in the laboratory. Faster diagnosis will mean shorter times for the patient including hospitalization.
The User Interface is simple and easy, which makes it easy to understand and use:
- Easy and fast to read the results
- Increased efficiency, because all zones are measured at once
- Increased capacity in the laboratory
- More analysis in shorter time
- Fewer hands for the same work task
- More time for difficult readings, expert evaluations and other tasks
- Greater flexibility in the laboratory
- Low operating- and maintenance cost
- Simple Plug and Play solution